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第一节 单项选择 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
A.     从A﹑B﹑C﹑D四个选项中,选出与句子画线部分意义相同或相近的选项。
(   )26.She toured the U.S.when she was fourteen.
A.visited        B.travaled in        C.went around
(   )27.How do you like that?
A.Give your reason.         B.How do you agree?    C.What do you think of that?
(   )28.Other students hope to continued studying after finishing school and go to university.
     A.finishing homework   B.leaving school   C.going to school
(   )29.After nine years’ hard—work,finally his dream came true.
     A.at the end            B.at once        C.at last
(   )30.The French book must be Li Ying’s.She’s the only one who is studying French.
     A.belong to Li Ying’s    B. belong to Li Ying C. belong Li Ying
( )31.I'm lucky to be in this school for my _____________Chinese course.
A. four-month   B.four months   C.four-months   D.four-months'
( )32.__________ you go,I will go with you .
A.whatever   B.However C.Wherever    D.Where
( )33.We talked about the things and the persons ________ we remembered in the school together.
A.that    B. who     C.which     D.what
( )34.He has _________ friends here because he is always friendly.
A.quite few   B.quite little   C.quite a few   D.quite a little
( )35.What will you do after___________ your education?
A.finish      B.to finish     C.finished      D.finishing
( )36.Could you please provide some drinks ________ us?
A.with       B.for        C.to            D.of
( )37.Why not consider _________ to the movie?
A.went       B.go        C.to go         D.going
(   ) 38. I can’t go _____ because I have to go home at once.
A. to somewhere else   B. anywhere else   C. somewhere else       D. to else anywhere


  1. 1.2013-2014学年人教版九年级英语上册综合测评
  2. 2.浙江省嘉兴市十校2014届九年级上学期期中联
  3. 3.2013-2014学年人教版九年级英语上册综合测评
  4. 4.人教版庆安第二中学九年级第一次月考总合测
  5. 5.江苏省盐城市景山中学2014届九年级上学期期
  6. 6.孝感市孝南区肖港初级中学2013届九年级5月调
  7. 7.西安音乐学院附属中等音乐学校2014届九年级
  8. 8.山西省大同市第一中学九年级英语第九单元同
  9. 9.湖北省仙桃市实验初级中学2014届九年级上学
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  12. 12.2013-2014学年人教版九年级英语上册综合测评
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  17. 17.人教版新目标英语九年级第一单元检测试题
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  28. 28.2013-2014学年人教版九年级英语上册综合测评
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  32. 32.2013-2014学年人教版九年级英语上册综合测评
  33. 33.2013-2014学年人教版九年级英语上册综合测评
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  35. 35.2013-2014学年人教版九年级英语上册综合测评
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  38. 38.2013-2014学年人教版九年级英语上册综合测评
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  43. 43.2013-2014学年人教版九年级英语上册综合测评
  44. 44.重庆市江津区2014届九年级上学期第一学月英
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  52. 52.2013-2014学年人教版九年级英语上册综合测评
  53. 53.浙江省新昌县实验中学2014届九年级上学期期
  54. 54.2013-2014学年人教版九年级英语上册综合测评
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  63. 63.江苏省苏州市工业园区第十中学九年级英语Un
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